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Annoying Hunt Collective!! SOON!!



We welcome a really cool new initiative from Eva Artemesia (THIS IS WRONG) with this cool and creative hunt in mainstores!

One fixed day of each month we will have a fatpack with an incredible discount in our mainstore, KiB Designs will do it on the 24th of each month.

The problem with that cool discount will be finding which one it is! That's the problem lol

There will be a little clue but you'll still have to find it since there won't be any special brand, no sign.. NOTHING!! You'll only see the difference in price compared to the rest of the fatpacks :D

On the poster you can see how many stores will be participating and their respective days!

In mainstore you will have a poster of the Annoying Hunt where you will be given a hud with all the LMs from all the participating stores and their hunt day

This is the Discord server you need follow! 

Don't miss it!!